Meet “Hoffman's Hipsters” Hip Replacement Patients

Meet “Hoffman’s Hipsters” Hip Replacement Patients

James Hoffman, MD is a Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon and Partner at South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine who performs direct anterior approach total hip replacements, a modern surgical technique that offers a less invasive alternative to traditional hip replacement methods. The direct anterior approach involves a frontal incision, sparing major muscles from being cut, which can lead to reduced pain, faster recovery, and improved mobility post-surgery. This procedure is typically recommended for individuals suffering from severe hip pain or stiffness due to conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or post-traumatic arthritis, where other treatments have not provided adequate relief. 

Recently, a group of Dr. Hoffman’s patients calling themselves “Hoffman’s Hipsters” were featured in the following article from their community newsletter (edited):

Hoffman’s Hipsters
These neighbors are members of a very exclusive club. They all live in the same neighborhood, they have all had hip replacement surgery, and all by the same surgeon!

  • Dottie Williams, 2022, right
  • Debbie Carmagio, 2022, right
  • Sherry Perry, 2021, right
  • Dave Williams, 2021, right
  • David Attride, 2021-22, left
  • Frank Ziegler, 2024 (two weeks ago), left

Sherry Perry reported that she had a smooth, pain-free recovery, and she was back to her regular three-mile walk in about two months. In physical therapy, she was ahead of schedule, so she was always asking her therapist if she could start doing her activities like driving, playing bocce. The answer was always “Not yet.” It was hard to be patient when she felt so good. Not being able to drive for six weeks was the most difficult – and those compression stockings!

Frank Ziegler was driving three days after his surgery, because he had his left hip replaced. David Attride had surgery on his left hip in December 2021.

As a group, the Hipsters agreed that they wanted to avoid prescribed opioid pain medicine. They said that the pain was manageable after the first day or two.

If you are experiencing hip pain, don’t put off seeing an orthopaedic hip expert. Call (772) 288­-2400 or click the button below to request your appointment with Dr. Hoffman or any of our hip specialists to take the first step toward getting back to your life without pain.

South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine