Spinal Injections

Living with neck or back pain is no fun! The pain limits your ability to do simple to complex things and enjoy life.

Some people try to alleviate the pain by taking anti-inflammatory drugs. However, not everyone has positive experiences with this option. If this sounds like you, we have good news for you!

South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine offers non-invasive and longer-lasting solutions for pain relief to treat neck and back pain.

About Spinal Injections

Spinal injections are used to diagnose and treat spine conditions.

Spine specialists will use spinal injections as a diagnostic tool to identify what is causing the painful sensation in the neck, arms, back, and legs. This is done after a thorough physical assessment and taking your medical history.

The doctor will then inject pain-relieving medication on the suspected site(s). If the site is relieved by the medication, then it helps confirm the diagnosis, or what is causing the pain.

Spinal Injections

Common Types of Spinal Injections

As for treatment, spinal injections are often part of a therapeutic plan. They offer a more long-lasting effect than traditional anti-inflammatory drugs. The following are some of the most common types of spinal injections for pain relief:

• Epidural injection
This is usually administered for relieving pain caused by a herniated disc or disc radiculitis.

• Facet joint injection
If you are experiencing pain in the neck, middle, or lower back as a result of injury or degenerative spine condition, this type of injection may be recommended to you.

• Sacroiliac joint injection
The sacroiliac joint can be found between the sacrum and the pelvic joints. This injection is for relieving pain felt in the lower back, buttocks, and legs.

If you’ve been in pain for so long and wondering if spinal injections can benefit you, call us. Our specialists at South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine will look into your condition and recommend the most suitable treatment option. To request an appointment, please call (772) 288-2400.