Spinal Fusion

Your spinal column (also known as your backbone) does a lot of things for your body. It allows a broad range of motion, protects your spine, and serves as a gateway of communication between your brain and body. When it is damaged, these functions are affected. In cases like this, spinal fusion may be your only course.

Our doctors at South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine are trusted experts when it comes to back surgery.

About Spinal Fusion

As the name suggests, spinal fusion is a procedure that involves fusing two or more vertebrae of your spine permanently. The surgery involves certain techniques that mimic the normal healing process of broken bones. The main component of spinal fusion is the bone graft that effectively combines the affected vertebrae, once healed.

As these bones require months to heal, plates, screws, or rods are used to stabilize the area around the bone grafts. In some cases, synthetic materials may be used to speed up the fusion process.

Spinal Fusion

Who Can Benefit from a Spinal Fusion?

This varies from one patient to another, but spinal fusion may be recommended to you if you have any of the following:

• Herniated discs
• Broken vertebrae
• Spinal deformities
• Arthritis
• Spondylolisthesis

Our spine specialists at South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine can take a look at your condition, your general health, and the results of recommended tests to make sure you are a good candidate for this surgery.

Are there Risks Involved?

Like any other surgery, there are some risks involved with the spinal fusion procedure. It can cause pain at the site from which the bone graft is taken, poor wound healing, infection, and blood clots. However, with the right preparation and skillset of expert specialists, these risks can be minimized.

To request a same day or next day appointment with South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, give us a call at (772) 288-2400.