Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is a common, highly disruptive problem. It can be caused by a number of different issues, including damage to the intervertebral discs, nerve root compression, and improper movement of the spinal joints.

Lower back pain may also be caused by muscle strain or ligament sprain. A strain happens when the muscle is stretched too far and eventually, tears. A sprain, on the other hand, occurs when the overstretching and tearing affect the ligaments (these are the structures that hold the bones together).

Both strain and sprain can happen with the improper lifting of heavy objects, poor posture, sudden movements, twisting, or large forces of impact.

What is Chronic Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain is considered chronic if it lasted for more than three months. Some of the most common causes of chronic lower back pain include lumbar herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, facet joint dysfunction, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and spinal stenosis.

Treating Lower Back Pain

To find out what causes your lower back pain and recommend the most suitable treatment, our experts at South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine will do a thorough physical assessment. You will be asked about your symptoms, medical history, and the medications you’ve taken and are currently taking.

Imaging studies may be ordered to look into the structural problems at the back.

From there, our specialists will determine your treatment options. This, of course, will also depend on other factors such as the severity of the pain and your overall health condition.

Here are a few treatments for low back pain at South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine:

• Spinal manipulation
• Physiotherapy
• Cold laser therapy
• Massage therapy
• Ultrasound

The team of orthopaedic experts at South Florida Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine are dedicated to helping you feel better faster. Request a same day or next day appointment today. Call (772) 288-2400.